[Amps] what is a 4 wire 240VAC service?

Ron Youvan ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com
Sun Apr 3 18:10:58 PDT 2011

Roger Parsons wrote:

> There are a couple of things I don't understand: :-)

> (1) When it became clear, probably close to 100 years ago, that 120V was too low a voltage to efficiently power room (or tubes with handles) heaters and similar equipment, why did North America not follow the rest of the world and move to a 230V system? That is, a 3 wire 230V AC service.

   220 Volts has a higher kill rate than 120 Volts, I have two large 240 Volt (3 wire) room heaters 
and all 3 bedrooms have a 240 Volt outlet, (added since build) so we can use both here.

> (2) What bright spark decided that black was a good colour choice for the hot wire?

   Actually every color except for white, green and bare want to kill you, I agree, must have been a 
dim bulb from the 'phone company.  (their color code has 12 colors instead of 10)  I still don't get 
that one.

> Actually, there are many other things I don't understand, but those will do for now.

   We can all talk them all over one by one.
    Ron  KA4INM - Endless Loop: n.        see Loop, Endless.
                  Loop, Endless: n.       see Endless Loop.
                  -- Random Shack Data Processing Dictionary

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