[Amps] 2 more questions-- electrical

Mike McCarthy, W1NR lists at w1nr.net
Tue Apr 5 11:09:46 PDT 2011

1. ALL GROUNDS MUST BE BONDED. This is an NEC requirement. In general I have ground rods near the 
cable entrances with the lightning suppressors attached. These are bonded via #4 solid to the master 
ground at the water meter. They also attached to 2" wide strap across the back of my operating bench.

2. All devices should have diodes protecting against reverse current flow.

Mike, W1NR

On 04/05/2011 02:56 AM, Charles Harpole wrote:
> 1.  Is it possible for the shack ground via a couple of earth implanted ground rods to be a "better" ground than that on the breaker box?  (The one with a 3 foot steel rod.)
> 2.  If you have a battery operated device which charges from the car 12 VDC and it is hot on the car battery all the time....  will the car battery draw a drain from the device battery when the car is not running?
> Thank you all for very thoughtful replies to the 230VDC question.  73
> Charles Harpole
> k4vud at hotmail.com
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