[Amps] Where is power measured ?

TexasRF at aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Thu Apr 7 09:26:44 PDT 2011

Glen, as you know, we both live within a few miles of the KRLD 50KW  
transmitter/antenna site.
I have measured over 5 volts of rf on one of the upper tower guys at my  
QTH. When I drive up the driveway with the vehicle radio on the AM band and  
park near one of the guy anchors, there are several radio programs present at 
 the same time, indicating severe cross modulation.
How much is caused by the radio vs tower guys, I don't know.
Also, just driving around the area, the same thing happens at some street  
intersections where there are many electrical lines etc present.
I guess I am wondering how much of the 160m QRM is cross mod vs radio  
station harmonics.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 4/7/2011 10:49:26 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
gzook at yahoo.com writes:

Carl,  you're not down here in the Dallas, Texas, area.  Unfortunately, BCB 
 harmonics are on the band, especially during the day when the lower 
powered  daytime only stations are on the air.

Glen, K9STH

Website:   http://k9sth.com

--- On Thu, 4/7/11, Carl  <km1h at jeremy.mv.com> wrote:

One thing for certain is that it has  been a long time since Ive heard AM 
BCB harmonics on  160.
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