[Amps] Odd SB220 behavior

Shane Youhouse kd6vxi at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 09:12:25 PDT 2011

Tuned up the SB220 last night (Hasn't been inline for a week or so).   
Everything as normal.

Flip grid current meter to grid, key the exciter, PINNED (Guess I'm doing  
back to back diodes today :) )  Unkey, it lightly pins reverse...  Almost  
didn't notice it.

Look inside, nothing "glowing", everything looks normal.

Turn it back on, try it one more time, same thing.....  I tried SSB, and  
keydown, no drive I had a third to half scale positive grid I....  ANY  
amount of drive will cause it to pin, HARD.

The zener has been replaced with a string of 5408s and a largish cap about  
10 years ago.  I have had a spat of bad caps in this amp.

Haven't ripped into it, just shut it off last night and went to bed..   
Bummer, 80 was open across the US.

Thanks, in advance.



It's a sad state of affairs when your tubes don't have handles but your  
dummy load does.

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