[Amps] Alpha vs Henry

Steve Thompson g8gsq72 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 23:51:38 PDT 2011

Not necessarily the warmest - you have to allow for the emissivity 
of objects. I don't know a figure for air, but polished metal and 
glass can vary a lot - a dab of paint of white correction fluid 
provides a more reliable target (assuming your thermometer can 
target a small enough area).


> I think the generic IR thermometer/gun is going to respond to the warmest temp 
> item in the lens field because that's going to be the 
> black body generating the most heat.  And that warmest source is going to be 
> the anode for ceramics looking down, or perhaps the 
> body adjacent the anode for something like a horizontal tube with a big anode 
> cooler on it.
> 73, Jeff ACØC
> www.ac0c.com

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