George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Thu Apr 14 11:50:21 PDT 2011

> and I have
> opened a dispute with PayPal.

I am going to disagree with anyone that thinks the amps
reflector is the place to warn others about vendors.

I guess I should have spoken when there was a thread about QRO parts -
at least that one had some connection with amplifiers.

And if you are to this point in the email and wondering why my opinion
matters - I am the person that takes care of the admin duties for this
list and I am the person that gets emailed with all the complaints

I would like to keep this list un-moderated - if for no other reason
that it reduces my work to read an release every post made to the
list.  As some of you have noticed I switch the list between being
moderated and not being moderated. When the list is not moderated the
messages flow in a much more timely manner and generally the
discussion is better.

But this requires the participants in the discussion to self moderate
their posts. 

- Is is about amps?
  If yes post.

- Is is about something else?
  Do not post.
- Do I feel the need to put OT (off topic) in the subject.
  If you ever feel that need - then clearly you should not post
  it to the list....  because it is off topic.

I try to run the list in a very hands off manner.  The only times you
will hear from me is if you start fighting with each other or if some
thread is really off topic or out of line.

The goal is to talk about amplifiers and closely related subjects. 

A dispute with a vendor about a purchase does not meet that goal.  If
if you had bought an amp from the vendor - it would not meet that goal
- because you are not taking about amps you are talking about your
dispute in purchasing something.

There are places on the net where you can post about such things.  I
know we have a forum on eHam.net where those sorts of posts happen and
if you want to complain or compliment a vendor that would be an
acceptable place to do it - and that is a good place to look for such

Now the list is once again being moderated.   Sigh.

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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