[Amps] GI-46B it is!!

Bill Smith ko4nrbs at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 14 15:34:04 PDT 2011

I'll use the GI-46B as the tube replacement in the Swan Mark 1.  They are short enough and are inexpensive.  I have been wanting to experiment some with the ceramic tubes anyway. 

My current power supply should work ok, correct?  Resting plate voltage of 2900vdc and when the amp is keyed 2500vdc.  It does have a low voltage setting of 1500vdc for CW.  I noticed that the GI-46B is only rated up to 2KV plate voltage on the data sheet. 

The transformer and power supply components were all replaced in 2005.  It is a voltage doubler circuit.

When the transformer was made I had Heyborer use the next larger diameter wire in the HV and filament winding.  I thought that might help with the voltage droop.  Now the filament winding will not be needed.
Bill Smith KO4NR

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