[Amps] GU84B

Evert Bakker (PA2KW) evert at pa2kw.com
Sat Apr 16 09:23:33 PDT 2011

I'm just gathering information about the GU84B tubes.

I want to build an amplifier with this tube for the HF bands.

I got the tubes, HF parts and other misc. parts.

Will use the G3SEK boards (ordered last week) etc.

But who can give me the missing details and/or confirm details regarding the
required voltages so I can look for / buy the proper transformers:


Vf= 28,4Vac @ 4A

Va  = ??  Vdc

Ia idle for class AB (SSB operation) = ??

Vg2 (screen) = ?? Vdc

Vg1 (grid) = ?? Vdc


Thanks in advance


73's, Evert PA2KW


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