[Amps] Ameritron AL-80A

Arthur Mumaw artrita at peoplepc.com
Sat Apr 30 17:10:52 PDT 2011

I recently acquired an Ameritron AL-80A amplifier built in December of 1987,
Serial No. 1087 and it was damaged in shipment.  I have the AL-80A schematic
but it is not at the level of this unit.  My schematic does not have the
soft-start, a 27pf cap at the antenna bypass, a 1N4001 diode, a small choke,
two caps (.1uf, .o1uf @ 50vdc), a 10m cap from filament to ground at the
tube socket.  


It also has a xmfr that appears to be the same as the AL-80B with additional
winding mounted on an aluminum bracket that is bolted to the chassis bottom;
this is the reason for all of the damage since this was a dumb idea because
it left the xmfr without any real security and was allowed to bounce around
and destroy the parts in close proximity. 


Also someone has tampered with the buck/boost windings and all of the
jumpers have been removed leaving just two wires from the three in the xfmr
for buck/boost applications and there is no documentation to tell how this
was connected.


The 3-500Z tube was clobbered and is now a pile of glass and junk.  The
person that sent the unit never removed the tube prior to shipping.


So I need some help if someone can supply the correct documentation for this
unit.  This was built by the Ameritron outfit in Cleveland, Ohio,


TNX  Art

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