[Amps] 3-500 follow up

Mr Mike kf8zn at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 6 10:10:22 PDT 2011

The ham who sold me this amp told me the tubes were soft, but I thought I'd
do a test.
It's a Henry 2K Classic, a pair of 3-500's with 3200 volts on the plate.

Below are results with 50 watts of drive, since I only have a 1KW slug for my Bird.

3.8Mc  PO=740W Ip= 580mA Ig= 220 mA

14Mc  PO=740W Ip= 650mA Ig= 220 mA

21Mc  PO=780W Ip= 680mA Ig= 240 mA

Thanks in Advance!

AC2Q Mike

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