[Amps] WTB: PL259 crimp RG8x

sam at owenscommunication.com sam at owenscommunication.com
Fri Aug 26 05:08:38 PDT 2011


They are the biggest supplier to RF Communications market. Even without an
account, you can shop them online at retail.


Original Message:
From: Roger (sub1) sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 01:04:01 -0400
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] WTB:  PL259 crimp RG8x

On 8/26/2011 12:00 AM, Jeff Blaine wrote:

All the big places carry these. Davis, Wireman, RF connection, etc...The 
price is reasonable at all of them. Tool price and quality varies 
widely.  You might not like a "cheap" crimper, or regret the purchase 
later on.  Hunting around there's not a great deal of difference between 
good and cheap prices.

I purchase 8X (braid plus foil) by the 500 or 1000 foot roll.  
Connectors usually 25 at a time.
Normal coax here is either LMR400, LMR600, and Davis Buryflex(TM). I do 
not use the UF versions of the LMR cables except for some left over.


Roger (K8RI)

> I’m looking for a decent source of RG8x crimp (or compression) style
> This is for a light duty interior application so I don’t need “the
good stuff.”
> By crimp, I mean the shield is crimp style, the center conductor I can
> Thanks for the advice.
> 73, Jeff ACØC
> www.ac0c.com
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