[Amps] AL-80A Dilemma

William Shuey kc9tus at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 14:32:45 PDT 2011

I recently purchased a "brand new still in box" Ameritron AL-80A. It
was from a SK and it was his back-up amp and he never used it. It
still had the original Eimac tube in it.
When I first turned it on, I noticed the tube was gassy and started
arcing pretty quickly. I ordered a new 3-500ZG. The tube came today.
However, when I called the place that I ordered it from,
they told me that the original Eimac might still be salvageable. I
attempted their technique, but it did not work. I unplugged the amp,
so the tube would cool. I then had to run to the store to get some
formula for my son.
 I asked my XYL to check the tube (big mistake) and when it was cool
enough.... to pull it out and replace it with the new tube, leaving
the anode off and put the cover back on and turn it on so the tube
would start the burn-in process. However, when she went to turn it
back on,
she did not realize the anode was touching the lid. She said it
sparked and shut off. Now my new amp will not turn on. I have checked
the obvious, such as the fuses and the circuit breaker to the house. I
am not knowledgeable
with amps and don't feel comfortable digging around on the inside of
the amp while it is plugged in. I was referred to this mailing list by
a real good buddy and he stated that all the people here are extremely
knowledgeable and knew
what they were talk about. I am hoping it is something easy to fix. So
in a nutshell, the amp was turned on while the anode was touching the
case. It sparked, and now the amp will not turn on.

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