[Amps] 2 x 3-500Z filament choke + 30/60/80A fil chokes

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Thu Dec 8 03:18:49 PST 2011

From: "Carl" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 9:54 AM
To: "Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net>; <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 2 x 3-500Z filament choke + 30/60/80A fil chokes

>> ##  Now who the heck made that giant 12" x 1"  type 33  rod u used to 
>> sell ?   Is it still available?   I checked
>> all over the place several times years ago..and could never source it, so 
>> gave up... and went to plan B.
>> Later... Jim,  VE7RF
> ** Since SSON doesn't list a manufacturer and 43 mix is proprietary to 
> Fair-Rite I suspect its BS. Call Fair-Rite and ask them if they ever made 
> such a rod.
> $35 for WHAT?? Why didnt you just get 33 rods at $20 from Amidon? I sell 
> them at a bit less.

#### The rods that SSON sells are 8" long.  The rods from fair-rite are 
tiny little
things,  just .25" diam x 40mm long, and not made from type 33.   Amidon 
.5" x 7.5"  rods in only type 61 and type 33. [$20.00]    I got the 8"  long 
type 43
rods from SSON several years ago. The price then was like $20.00.  They put 
on sale for something like $12.00  so I stock piled a few.  They still sell 
em, but
the price is nuts.  IF u wind XXX turns on the lower 4" of the SSON 
the same thing on a type 33  Amidon rod, the SSON rod measures more uh.
To be expected, since the mu of the type 43 rod is 800  vs  600 for the 33 
I have no clue where SSON buys em, or if they bought a ton of em years ago.
They are the only outfit that sells .5"  x 8" rods..period.

> The 12" rods I sold you back then were from Fair-Rite and were 3/4" 
> diameter. They quit production around 1990 due to poor yield if its to be 
> believed.

### another dumb move.  I shoulda stockpiled those things too.
> Ive also used large 43 beads (the type that slip over RG-213, etc), 1"x 1" 
> and epoxy together for some serious rods for both big tubes and also for 
> use below the BCB. Yes, that winding method works well; I dont remember 
> where I heard it from, maybe John back on the original AMPS forum in the 
> 90's.

### I discovered abt 5 years ago, that the type 43 beads [ 1" OD x 1.125" 
long x .515" ID]
will slide over these 8" long SSON type 43 rods like a glove.  Then it ends 
up as one mass
of ferrite 8" long x 1" OD..and completely solid. At least I cam up with one 
original idea.
 The other W6  trick I learned back in the late 70's  was to glue 5-7 x rods 
together, like
 a bundle of dynamite.

##  The more eff method is just to use one tiny bifilar, and wire it into 
the  240 vac PRIMARY
of the fil xfmr.  Then the fil xfmr is isolated from the chassis, via 2 x 
sheets of red micarta.
Then the pri and sec  lugs  of the  fil xfmr  are RF bypassed to the fil 
xfmr casing with .01 uf
caps.  That works superb, and only one tiny bifilar required, wound with 
18-22 ga magnet wire,
on a short rod.  The drawback is.... the fil xfmr then has to be mounted 
below the chassis, on a
sidewall.  That adds a huge amount of weight to the RF deck, depending on 
size of the fil xfmr, so I don't use that trick on heavy fil xfmrs.  I got 
the idea from Rich, dunno
where he got it from, or if he cooked it up himself.

later......Jim  VE7RF
> Those beads also can make for serious binocular cores.
> Carl

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