[Amps] PRO III and ALpha 76

Joe Subich, W4TV lists at subich.com
Sat Dec 10 20:40:26 PST 2011

> At any rate it appears 6 ms vacuum relays should work in the AMP if I
> drive them from the ACC jack or maybe the PTT line out on the
> RigBlaster.

I would not drive any vacuum relays from an Icom ACC jack without a
delay on break circuit unless I never planned to use QSK.  The ACC
jack will release 3 to 10 ms before the transceiver stops making RF.
The resulting hot switching on break will destroy the vacuum relays
very quickly.

 > My AL-80B with a pin diode QSK board is keyed by the RCA jack Send
 > on the back of the radio, which I think is what W0QE indicates as
 > the HSEND line.

No, the Send relay (RCA jack) is different than HSEND.  The relay
circuit includes the 5 to 15 ms delay on break needed to prevent
external devices from hot switching on break.  HSEND is a dual
purpose PTT IN/PTT OUT line on the ACC, ACC(1), and ACC(2) jack in
Icom transceivers.  It is pin 3 on the 13 pin ACC jack in the 706,
7000, 7200, 7410, 9100, etc.   It is pin 3 on the 8 pin ACC(1) jack
and the 7 pin ACC(2) jack in the "big" radios 746Pro, 756Pro, etc.

HSEND is very different than some other control signals, e.g. T8,
in the transceivers.


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 12/9/2011 11:06 PM, rick darwicki wrote:
> Thanks to all and the links. After looking thru all the stuff, this is my take on things.
> BTW I use a computer and Rig Blaster PRO to key the PRO III and do FSK RTTY with the ACC jacks.
> My AL-80B with a pin diode QSK board is keyed by the RCA jack Send on the back of the radio, which I think is what W0QE indicates as the HSEND line.
> W0QE shows the ACC 1 and 2 pin 3 send as having about 10 ms delay on make and 6-7 ms delay on break. This is the same line the RigBlaster is keying and might be where I should come off to key the Alpha after I install the vacuum relays and driver transistors.
> As an additional complication I have a manual key and keyer plugged into the PRO III and a SteppIR tuning lockout relay.
> At any rate it appears 6 ms vacuum relays should work in the AMP if I drive them from the ACC jack or maybe the PTT line out on the RigBlaster.
> What say yeeeeeee ?
> Rick, N6PE
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