Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sat Dec 10 23:32:53 PST 2011

Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> > I have seen that too but it was strictly limited to the IC-7000.
>The study I saw (not the AD5X article) was not limited to the IC-7000. 
>The "premature release" applied to all of the "small" radios 706/7000 
>as well as several of the full size radios - including 7700, 746Pro, 
>and I believe the ProIII - when using the ACC jack instead of the Send 

Would it help to connect the two outputs in parallel, to get the fastest 
possible turn-on from HSEND, and then a slightly delayed release from 
the relay?

HSEND -> [transistor switch]  -> [ACC output in parallel] -> amp


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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