[Amps] Warm up and on time question...

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Tue Dec 13 18:44:35 PST 2011

Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 07:30:30 -0800
From: Dave Cole <dave at nk7z.net>
Subject: [Amps] Warm up and on time question...


I have an AL-82, my habit is to turn it on, allow it to warm for about 5
minutes prior to use, use the amp, then turn it back off.  Sometimes I
find that I will be using the amp again within 10 or 15 minutes, maybe
30 minutes.  Is it better to leave it on for the half hour, or turn it
off then re power it 30 minutes later.  

Does this cause any issues over the long term?  Should I just leave it
on for the half hour?  Worried about repeated heating and cooling of the


## The al-82 is instant on. No need to warm it up for 5 mins !   And don't keep turning it on/off
every 15 mins.  Just turn it on, and leave it on for hrs on end.   The amp is the 1st piece of gear that
gets turned on.....and the amp is also the last piece of gear to get shut off. 

##  all that endless on/off cycling of the fils  will do way more long term damage to shortening fil life,
vs the 2 cents u will  save in electricity.      The 2 x tubes suck 150 va of power on RX.  At say 
10 cents per kwh, it will cost you  150/1000 =  .15 kwh     .15 x .1 =   $.015  [aka 1.5 cents per hour
to run the pair of fils].   Ur wasting your time with the endless on/off cycling..and saving nothing. 

##  If the tubes are hot after blasting  away for a while, you want the fan/blower on anyway..so it will cool
down...on RX.   So just leave it on for the 'complete operating session' 

Later.... Jim  VE7RF

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