[Amps] Warm up and on time question...

Mike Baker k7dd at cox.net
Wed Dec 14 19:38:52 PST 2011

Speaking of warm up times and filament life got me to thinking about a
ramping switch system for the whole power supply.
As I understand it there are devices which will chop up the AC sine wave
into pieces like a PWM and slowly add more and more pieces until the full
sine wave is present on the load. I also understand they can be used in
reverse. Sort of like having an electronic Variac on the input side of the
Do any of you have a circuit diagram for such a system or could point me in
the right direction?  I am not even sure what to call what I am looking for.
It sounds like a ramping soft start system and that would solve a lot of
problems with initial turn on of the filaments and the Plate supply.

Thanks in advance.

Mike Baker  K7DD
K7dd at cox.net
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