[Amps] Linear amplifier tuning

Edwin Karl edk0kl at centurytel.net
Tue Dec 20 17:20:48 PST 2011

The discussion about tuning would not happen if we all still used 
o'scopes with a
trapezoid pattern. On such a pattern you can clearly see "flat topping" 
when the output
loading cap is too tight, a slight reduction in capacity results in a 
clear, sharp point
at the end of the triangle.

Additional tuning just upsets the whole thing. While an out put meter 
might again
see a small increase in power, the additional 10-20 watts won't make a 
but the splatter from your flat topping amplifier will.

The aforementioned 5% change in output loading is a good rule of thumb, 
a 'scope

Merry Christmas to all!

ed K0KL

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