[Amps] Fwd: Linear Amplifier Tuning---PROPERLY!

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Wed Dec 21 15:43:38 PST 2011

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eddy Swynar" <deswynar at xplornet.ca>
To: <donroden at hiwaay.net>
Cc: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Fwd: Linear Amplifier Tuning---PROPERLY!

> On 2011-12-21, at 7:55 AM, donroden at hiwaay.net wrote:
>> Isn't it true that if you re-peak the tuning control, then the loading
>> is no longer "over-coupled" ?
> Hi Don,
> I think you've hit the proverbial nail right on the head with that 
> observation---which, BTW, was pretty much the very same opinion that the 
> majority of originators of the last batch of e-mails that I received here 
> on the subject had, as well...
> Probably the best easy-to-grasp response (for me, anyway!) that I read 
> here as to why it is NOT desirable to re-tweak the plate TUNING capacitor 
> as a final step in the tuning process of a linear amplifier, came from 
> Steve (KK7UV), who was told---when asking a similar such question himself 
> some time ago---that "...the answer was something like 'if you do that, 
> you change the load line and you play cat and mouse between the tuning and 
> loading caps'".
> Makes sense to me, I s'pose...
> Too bad the movers & shakers in the Amateur radio world of 
> literature---from Bill Orr back in the day, to the present crop of 
> technical gurus on-line---couldn't be as descriptive! Hams, by their very 
> nature, are inveterate knob-twiddlers & adjusters----so why WOULDN'T we 
> re-adjust things "...one final time" during a tuning-up process...?! A 
> simple & final "HANDS OFF!" warning after the over-coupling procedure in 
> the descriptive literature would suffice! Hi Hi.
> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

Its a shame so many feel they have to reply in a private email which does 
nobody any good. Thats as bad as the chap who has a web page to spout on but 
there is no peer review permitted. Just a take it as gospel attitude.

Since I have doubts about those comments I just ran a 20M SA IMD test on the 
LK-500ZC ( pair of 3-500Z's)  between max power out and heavier loading to 
drop power about 50W. The IMD improved by a repeatable 2-3dB; it was a 
pretty broad result with no change between 40-60W that I was able to tell. 
Slightly moving the Tune cap did nothing to the IMD and the power dropped if 
I went further.
Once you tune for an absolute maximum and then just slightly overcouple for 
the IMD sweet spot the Tune cap does nothing since the peak point with a 
typical low Q is broad enough.

Just as I said yesterday. If I were to do it to my flat plate 2M 3CX1000A7 
amp with some ridiculosly high Q the results would be different. The same 
with the 432 cavity amp.

This was your basic 2 tone test, nothing fancy or accurate to show what the 
actual SSB IMD really is.

Where some amps may have a problem is when they are not completely 
neutralized. IOW, the control or screen grid peak doesnt occur at the plate 
current minimum. Then all bets are off I would think.


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