[Amps] AL-1500 for legal-limit 160m AM?

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Thu Dec 29 19:06:13 PST 2011

Move the fan speed tap to fast and it will be fine, that amp is used by many 
RTTY contesters where they just complain about fan noise.....

Heck, Ive been using a LK-500 with the optional external transformer at 350W 
carrier with no issues when driving with a TS-950SD. When I need QRO I have 
a couple of healthy Class C amps in another part of the basement along with 
boatanchor RX and TX's.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Barber" <audioguy at q.com>
To: <Amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 9:54 PM
Subject: [Amps] AL-1500 for legal-limit 160m AM?

> I'm considering an AL-1500 as a backup amp, tilted to favor 160m AM
> operation.
> They are (relatively) inexpensive to buy, and I've cached up enough new
> and like-new 8877's to last a long, long time with decent treatment.
> My question is if anyone here has been successful long-term running an
> AL-1500 at or near the legal limit on 160m AM? To be explicitly clear,
> I'm talking about running 375 watts carrier and 1500 watts PEP modulated
> output, with key-down times that (in my case at least) *can* go two to
> three minutes, generally with breaks at least that long and usually
> longer between transmissions.
> So - do you think the overall power supply, the tank circuit, plate
> choke, cooling etc are up to the task? Even things like underrated parts
> in the tuned input can be more of an issue with full-power AM than SSB.
> Opinions solicited and TIA,
> Jim, N7CXI
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