[Amps] Al-82 Blowing fuses?

Gary McAdams g.m.mcadams at comcast.net
Wed Feb 23 21:29:47 PST 2011

Hello all,

My thread was the one in question, and my AL-82 has not blown a single 
fuse since the last discussion.

It simply quit as strangely as it began. However, during the process I 
did replace both of the original fuses with the same type and rating 
from my  stock. For whatever reason I have not had to do it again and 
that was back in October or November of last year.

73 Gary

On 2/22/2011 8:45 AM, Lee Buller wrote:
> I have the same amp.  A couple of months ago, a thread with the similar problem
> was discussed and "cussed."  It seems to center around the "step-start" relay.
> Ether the contacts need to be "cleaned"...or the resistor is bad....or something
> like that.  You might want to check the archives.  You might also call Ameritron
> and they might be able to help you with parts
> Lee - K0WA

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