[Amps] Fwd: HB QSK circuits

John Farber kg6i at hughes.net
Sat Jan 1 15:14:52 PST 2011

------------ Forwarded message ------------
From: John Farber <kg6i at hughes.net>
Date: Jan 1, 2011
Subject: HB QSK circuits
To: amps at contesting.com

I'm interested in building a QSK circuit into my HB (not me) 6 m 8877 amp. I don't wish to try to reinvent the wheel, so what circuit are you  esteemed amp builders using? I have a couple RJ1As already, and a few large, and I don't know how fast, reed relays to start the project. BTW, I'm also adding a Triode Board, plus glitch resistor, after losing the HV caps and diodes to an arc.
Thanks, John Farber, KG6I

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