[Amps] Of topic:the HF transceiver in fighter

Hsu hsu4qro at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 00:59:02 PST 2011

Hi, I had ever own a 2-18Mhz tracnsceiver in Chinese fighter, It was ueds in old J8II fighter.
   Doese anyone can tell me what cover range and power of HF transceiver in F-15 or 16 fighter?Just interested in it.
I had ever study Collins 618T carefully for one month.
 BTW, Chinese  J-20 stealth fighter just  finsh its first  fying test( 4 hours ago), please view this:
  http://war.news.163.com/11/0111/13/6Q4EBULF00011MTO.html#p=6Q4HAJA500AN0001, the black one is J-20, 
the yellow one is J-10 (similar F-16).

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