[Amps] Transformer-LESS advice

G3UUT amps at grebe.plus.com
Mon Jan 17 08:01:43 PST 2011

On the subject of switched mode HV psus, I've just come across the 
following which may be of interest, especially if anybody has any 
information on the (probably custom) control IC.


John G3UUT

On 15/01/2011 08:17, Ian White GM3SEK wrote:
> Rob Atkinson wrote:
>> Well, Watts Unlimited was owned by W9QQ so if you could contact him,
>> you might be able to get some information about it.
> W9QQ died a few years ago. The Watts Unlimited company does not seem to
> be active, but the design rights to the HV switcher must still belong to
> somebody.
> Although a number of these HV switchers were made, and are possibly
> still in use [1], the design did have some problems. One was the very
> poor output regulation - according to the user documentation, the output
> voltage dropped from 3600V @ 100mA to 2600V @ 1.0A. (We can only
> speculate why the design did not include active voltage regulation;
> there must have been a reason.)
> The other major issue was on the 115/230V mains input side, with very
> little filtering and a serious confusion between the mains neutral,
> 'chassis ground' and the green-wire earth.
> [1] http://www.gare.co.uk/k5and/8877.htm

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