[Amps] Tube Amps as Antenna Tuners

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Jan 26 14:05:00 PST 2011

I'm really spoiled by my SB-220 -- I can use my 80m antennas that are 
cut for the CW end all the way up to 3.9 MHz at least (with indicated 
SWR over 3:1) just by tuning for maximum out.  Same on 40.  I understand 
that few if any modern amps have this wide a tuning range, unless they 
incorporate an auto antenna tuner as I think the Acom 2000A does.

Are there any exceptions?  For example, will any of the Ameritron tube 
amps handle this situation?

73, Pete N4ZR

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