[Amps] What to buy?

Bill, W6WRT dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 27 10:52:00 PST 2011


On Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:54:39 -1000, leewical at lava.net wrote:

>nothing wrong with a palstar amp.


Maybe, maybe not. I owned a Command HF-2500 (now taken over by Palstar)
and twice burned up the plate tank toroid operating full power RTTY on
40 meters. Twice!!  $$$

I sold the amp several years ago.

Palstar has improved the design, so they say, and I hope that toroid is
included. If it isn't, I would not call that a brick-on-the-key 1500
watt amp. Do your research before you buy. 

Other than that one weak spot, I agree, it's a fine amp.

73, Bill W6WRT

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