[Amps] I answered it.

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Sat Jan 29 10:14:00 PST 2011

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Youvan" <ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com>
To: "Carl" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>; "amps" <amps at contesting.com>
Cc: "Steve Cook" <vaj4378 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] I answered it.

> Thank you Carl:
>> A. 200W is for the USA only so dont go preaching to an "alien"
>  Steve signed a private E-mail to me as:
> "Clueless in Tucson..." which made me think he is a local.

I thought he was one of them Canadians and a misplaced G.

>> B. CW and all data modes are legal on 30M and that includes that RYRYRY
>> stuff.
>   OK.
>> C. Its a very popular QRP CW band as well as lots of DX chasing at all
>> power levels. All DXpeditions include 30M.
>   Since 30 meters in not a IARU band, countries can only authorize its use 
> within it's own country, radiation outside of one's country is 
> interference to services outside of the amateur service.
> So use by DX stations surprises me.  from: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30_meters
> 30 meter band plan  IARU Region 1
> License class 10.100-10.140 10.140-10.150 SSB may be used during 
> emergencies involving the immediate safety of life and property and only 
> by stations actually involved in the handling of emergency traffic.
> The band segment 10.120 to 10.140 may only be used for SSB transmissions 
> in the area of Africa south of the equator during local daylight hours.
>    ---   ---   ---
> IARU Region 2  10.100-10.130 10.130-10.140 10.140-10.150
> IARU Region 3  10.100-10.140 10.140-10.150
> Canada         10.100-10.130 10.130-10.140 10.140-10.150  Basic(+), 
> Advanced United States  10.100-10.150 Ext., Adv., Gen. (200 watts)

Since when is Wikepedia known for accuracy?

>> D. The TL-922 will have to be used in the 20M position otherwise no
>> power will get thru the tuned input and outputs. The input bandwidth
>> will probably work to some degree with some help from an ATU but I dont
>> know about the output tank. Most tuned input amps Ive tested will cover
>> 30M at around 50% efficiency. Others using broadband resistive inputs
>> run close to full bore.
>   What good is getting that 3dB gain from his TL-922 going to do him?
>  (while burning an extra 400 Watts during key down)

It up to him to limit the output and 3 dB is still 3dB which can maybe get 
thru the pileup or marginal propagation.

>> E. Im approaching 300 DXCC on 30M CW with 100-150W and its also my usual
>> QRP band with a 1934 National FB-XA and 1938 Meissner Signal Shifter at
>> 5W. Antenna is the parallel 160/80M inverted vee without an ATU.
>   I am much amazed and impressed!

Ive been on the WARC's since they were permitted and Im also licensed for 
600M. Having band choice flexibility is what keeps me from being bored. I 
cant understand those who live on one band and mode.....what a rut to be in!


> -- 
>    Ron  KA4INM - If you have any criticism for me constructive or 
> otherwise
>                  keep it to yourself, at my age I just don't care anymore. 

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