[Amps] H i Power and hearing footsteps

Fuqua, Bill L wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Sun Jan 30 10:17:26 PST 2011

   In the old days stock car drivers usually got their nick names not from their successes but from their mistakes. I knew a guy called Fly Wheel McGuire in Nashville. He got the great idea that if he used a heavier flywheel he would be able to beat the other cars. It was the opposite. He got his nickname from the other drivers. Another was Stroker McGurt. He bored and stroked his engines until the cylinder walls were so thin that his engine blew up.  Well in racing that last 1 percent of power counts but in radio it is not worth pushing all and manybe a little more from an amplifier because those last few watts may end up costing a great deal for a fraction of a dB increase in output.  Another point, when you do push it just that little bit, it produces loads of splatter that affects the hams around your frequency, just like flying engine parts, and oil on the track may affect other racers.

Bill wa4lav

From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Gary Smith [wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 8:44 AM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] H i Power and hearing footsteps

Watts from amps and cubic inch displacement from big block V-8's: there's nothing like more of `em to get the job done.
3's and such,
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Roger (Sub1)
  To: amps at contesting.com
  Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 9:09 PM
  Subject: Re: [Amps] H i Power and hearing footsteps

  On 1/29/2011 9:30 PM, Charles Harpole wrote:
  > Football talks about down rcvrs (men, not radios) "hearing footsteps."  Great phrase if u know what it means.
  > Like the majority of usa born hams (that is, old), I am hearing footsteps.....  likely one more sunspot peak (if it ever comes!), likely no more Yemen DXpeditions (or fill in your needs), likely this rig is the last big one I buy, and so on and on.
  > Then, a nice amp makes even more sense.  There is nothing like, "got em on  the first call" when that REALLY happens.  73 to all down rcvrs........
  I'd add,  After listening to a pileup trying for 5 minutes and no one
  makes it. THEN you get 'em on the first call.


  Roger (K8RI)
  > Charles Harpole k4vud at hotmail.com
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