[Amps] What to buy?
Jeff Blaine
keepwalking188 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 30 11:54:36 PST 2011
Friend of mine has the QRO 2500 with the similar problems on the low end. Melted toroid mounts. The amp seems otherwise very
strong. Just that toroid tank configuration seems to have a weak spot of some kind that he's not quite got nailed down...
73, Jeff ACØC
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Thomson
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 8:11 AM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] What to buy?
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 10:52:00 -0800
From: "Bill, W6WRT" <dezrat1242 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] What to buy?
On Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:54:39 -1000, leewical at lava.net wrote:
>nothing wrong with a palstar amp.
Maybe, maybe not. I owned a Command HF-2500 (now taken over by Palstar)
and twice burned up the plate tank toroid operating full power RTTY on
40 meters. Twice!! $$$
I sold the amp several years ago.
Palstar has improved the design, so they say, and I hope that toroid is
included. If it isn't, I would not call that a brick-on-the-key 1500
watt amp. Do your research before you buy.
Other than that one weak spot, I agree, it's a fine amp.
73, Bill W6WRT
## The plastar is a new version of the command technology amp. It comes
in 2 x versions.. HF-2500 and HF-2500 magnum. They are both rated for 1.5 kw
CCS CXR output . the ONLY diff is in the plate xfmrs. 33 lbs vs 44 lbs. The plane
jane 2500 uses a doubler. The magnum uses a FWB. Both RF decks are 28 lbs.
$3995.00 VS $4695.00 $700 more for the 11 lb added weight of the 44 lb xfmr
seems like a bit much imo. I paid $1475.00 for my 253 lb, 16 KVA CCS dahl plate xmfr.
I also have a smaller 44 lb dahl xmfr... $400.00
http://www.palstar.com/commander_hf-2500export.php Now u won't find this amp anywhere
on their site, nor in their products guide. I found it with google..so it exists..just no link to it from their site .
## $6495.00 120 lbs 2.8 kw out. 3 x holer called a HF -2500E
All 3 x amps are chockfull of T-2252B torroids..which are 2.25" OD x 1" thick. They stack 3 of em on 160m. 3 of em
will handle 1.5 kw RTTY on 160m.
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