[Amps] 4-1000 GG project

Bob Sullivan robert at isquare.com
Sun Jul 10 13:17:20 PDT 2011

Here you go ...

Air-Dux 195-2 coil assembly consists of these parts connected in series:

L1, strap coil for 10 m, 4 turns of 5/16" width strap, 1 1/2" diameter, 2 tpi

L2, tubing coil for 15 and 20 m, 4 turns of 1/4" o.d. tubing, 3 " diameter, 2 
tpi. Tap for 15 m bandswitch posn 1 3/4 turns from L1 end.

L3, solid wire coil for remaining bands, 16 turns of no 8 wire, 3 1/4 " 
diameter, 4 tpi. Tap for 40 m bandswitch posn 7 turns from L2 end.

73, Bob

On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:51 PM, HOWARDLYON at aol.com wrote:

> OK guys.... I need the wisdom of the ages... or is that aged?  I  dunno.
> Over twenty years in the making... well, that's when I got the  bottle.  
> Over the years I've collected the guts and small parts.  It's  time to put it 
> all together.  
> Basically adapting the parts that I have to the AA6GK design found on the  
> Arkansas ARES/RACES site.
> _http://www.arkansas-aresraces.org/Equipment/Amplifiers/themanual.htm_ 
> (http://www.arkansas-aresraces.org/Equipment/Amplifiers/themanual.htm) 
> A couple of questions:
> 1.  Anybody have the specs on a PI-DUX 195-2 coil?  Diameter,  turns, 
> length, AWG, etc?
> 2. The big question... his input net starts fine at 160m... 1820 puffs  >> 
> 10-15uH adjustable >> 1360 puffs on the output.  Looks good  as it breaks 
> down to 1800p + 4.4uH = Z50 in : 9.7uH + 1360p = Z110 out.  
> However, his 80m selection is more like 50 in and 60 out; 40m is 30 in and  
> 50 out; 20m is 18 in and 30 out; according to his capacitor selection and 
> the  corresponding reactances and impedances
> I think he was winding coils to use whatever micas he had in stock.   He 
> has been unreachable via phone calls and e-mails to his mobile electronics  
> business.  Should I use his specs, or would I be better to scale the values  
> more towards 50 in and 110 out?
> 3.  Lastly, I have a 2H 1.6A monster choke for the HV PS.  The  tranny is 
> 3600 rms @ 1 amp.  About 5kV into the filter.  Using 4  tubbies at 8uF/4kV in 
> series / parallel for 8uF at 8kV with 2 100k/225W  bleeders; the big choke; 
> and then 14 390uF/450v lytics bridged with 14 50k 10Ws  on the output.
> Ur thots on a resonating cap for the choke?  The first bleeder current  is 
> about 25mA (about 125W)... might add an extra pair of 100k/100W to drop the  
> heat; yea or nea?
> And, yes, I put new 150# casters on the rack.... the HV PS runs about 150  
> pounds.  ;-))
> Thanx for the help.
> Unca Billy
> N3TR  
> Wm. H.  Taylor 
> General Contracting and Design 
> 2249 Hickory Hill Rd 
> Oxford,  PA 19363 
> 610-932-3762 h 
> 484-643-3220 c  
> n3tr at arrl.net
> Historical Restoration; Custom Stonework;  Fireplaces
> Star Bolts; Structural repairs 
> HIC Lic. #  PA005831
> Nationwide  54-0-2659338
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