[Amps] Hunter 2000c Low Output.

Mitch Cox ww4cox at embarqmail.com
Sun Jul 17 11:46:31 PDT 2011

And since you brought it up, I have noticed on this site that offering an opinion or trying to help someone at times is like fighting off fire ants. You really should temper some of your comments and try to stick to the problem at hand. But I realize how much enjoyment you get out of the "fuss" no never mind. Cheri
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Carl 
  To: Mitch Cox ; Tim Kass ; Charles Hedrick ; amps at contesting.com 
  Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 1:43 PM
  Subject: Re: [Amps] Hunter 2000c Low Output.

  Explain where you have seen 100  2000C's please?

  As far as your other comments it shows poor troubleshooting logic to not ascertain exactly what is involved. What if the voltage reading is simply wrong?????

  Lets get back to trying to help the OP and not start some silly chest pounding using overblown graphics.


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Mitch Cox 
    To: Carl ; Tim Kass ; Charles Hedrick ; amps at contesting.com 
    Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 12:28 PM
    Subject: Re: [Amps] Hunter 2000c Low Output.

    Regardless of what the correct plate voltage should be, he says his was at 3400 volts and now that has fallen a considerable amount with output power going down with it. This would seem to indicate one of two things, either the primary main voltage has dropped or something has happened in the power supply to cause the drop in voltage or loss in output. I addressed the problem, not what it is supposed to be. I have seen a hundred of these amps and very few have the factory parts in them as they started life so his first statement of 3400 volts could be absolutely correct. As far as heavy duty goes, I don't think I could put any Hunter amp in that category.
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Carl 
      To: Tim Kass ; Charles Hedrick ; amps at contesting.com 
      Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 11:44 AM
      Subject: Re: [Amps] Hunter 2000c Low Output.

      That is the correct standby voltage and it should drop to 2200-2300 under 
      full load.

      I dont understand why the Eimac 3-400Z should be a problem. It is a little 
      harder to drive but otherwise a zero bias compatible tube. Ive swapped them 
      as well as mixed in other 3-400Z amps.
      Hunter claims either are permitted altho the Amperex is recommended likely 
      since its a bit easier to drive.

      The same with a 3-500 as it should run fine at zero bias at that voltage 
      altho about 5.1V bias will improve the IMD about 6dB.


      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: "Tim Kass" <k8wbl at yahoo.com>
      To: "Charles Hedrick" <cchedrick at gmail.com>; <amps at contesting.com>; "Mitch 
      Cox" <ww4cox at embarqmail.com>
      Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 11:03 AM
      Subject: Re: [Amps] Hunter 2000c Low Output.

      I also have the wonderful Hunter 2000C amp... My standing voltage is 2700 
      VDC...same caps ... this amp has a diode block arrangement, very heavy duty 
      parts. Make sure you are running the AUX LOAD in the 0 position on the lower 
      bands and try it again it a dummy load on 40 meters to start. ALSO -- this 
      amp was designed for Amperex 8163 (3-400z) and mine ran well with the 
      original 8163's in it...however, I have tried several pairs of Eimac 3-400z 
      and it doesnt like (2) running together....very low output...300 watts.. 
      take one of the tubes out and run it briefly as a single tube and see what 
      output you get... I now run a single 3-500Z Eimac and does well..got some 
      more coming to try to run a pair of them.. but if you amp runs fine on the 
      single tube...you can then eliminate some of the other issues... high SWR 
      input from solid state tubes doesnt seem to bother it to much but I have an 
      IC-746PRO and use the internal tuner to balance things..but unless
       the SWR is over 3:1 between the radio, the amp doesnt seem to mind... I 
      also use the Heathkit AMPKEYER for good measure. Great amp, I have had 2 of 
      these..will never sell this one..

      73, Tim K8WBL

      --- On Sun, 7/17/11, Mitch Cox <ww4cox at embarqmail.com> wrote:

      From: Mitch Cox <ww4cox at embarqmail.com>
      Subject: Re: [Amps] Hunter 2000c Low Output.
      To: "Charles Hedrick" <cchedrick at gmail.com>, amps at contesting.com
      Date: Sunday, July 17, 2011, 12:30 AM

      The first thing I would be looking for after first checking the incoming AC 
      voltage would be an open rectifier or capacitor in the power supply section. 
      But first you need to make sure that the incoming line voltage is where it 
      should be. From the report of a bad match between the radio and amp you 
      almost would want to look in the bandswitch section of the tuned input if 
      one exists but that would have no effect on the plate voltage.
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Charles Hedrick
      To: amps at contesting.com
      Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 10:11 PM
      Subject: [Amps] Hunter 2000c Low Output.

      HI All,
      This has me puzzled. HV is 2800 down from 3400 which is normal in this
      small town this time of year. I noticed yesterday that the power level was
      fluctuating weirdly up and down. when tuning the amp into the dummy load.
      So last night I installed new 3-500ZG's and cooked them for 24 hours. I
      just tried the amp again and the power out is way down, the rig is seeing a
      high SWR. Bad Tubes....I just pulled a pair from the AL-82 and got the same
      results. I installed the new pair in the AL-82 and got 1300 key down with
      65 watts drive. The HV on the hunter doesn't fluctuate, and I'm .38 amp and
      300 output with HV dropping to 2400 at key down. The AL-82 is seeing the
      same HV drop by the way, but handles it better, 85 watts drive is 1500 CW
      with the new tubes. Parasitic Suppressors bad? Stumped here.
      NCS MMSN
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