[Amps] RF choke switching

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Fri Jun 10 05:04:14 PDT 2011

The Henry 8K uses 2 chokes and so do several commercial 2-30MHz amps. Some 
switch, some dont.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eddy Swynar" <deswynar at xplornet.ca>
To: "Vic K2VCO" <vic at rakefet.com>
Cc: "Amps reflector" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] RF choke switching

> Hi Vic,
> For some time now I've mulling over a very similar set-up here...only in 
> my instance, I was thinking of somehow shorting the bigger inductor 
> whenever I wanted to use the higher frequency bands, and letting the two 
> chokes stay in series for operation on 160-meters...
> I was hoping to use a 200-uh. solenoid choke for the high frequencies, and 
> a multi-pi National choke (3.0 mh.?) for Topband.
> I wasn't planning on using anything more fancy here for a switching medium 
> than a manually-inserted (by way of a wooden dowel) shorting banana plug. 
> That, or a mercury switch that might be somehow made to tilt "on command". 
> I s'pose it'd be a requirement, too, to somehow mount the coils at right 
> angles to one another...?
> Interesting stuff, indeed...
> I sure would be appreciative if you might keep us all informed as to your 
> progress in this regard, Vic, with my sincerest of thanks in advance...
> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
> **********************************************************************************************************************
> On 2011-06-09, at 8:43 PM, Vic K2VCO wrote:
>> I'm planning another amplifier (2 x 4-400A, 1.8-28 mHz) and I was 
>> thinking that I would
>> deal with the "RF choke problem" by having two chokes in series. The one 
>> nearest the
>> plates will have enough inductance for 20-15-10 meters with no series 
>> resonances below 30
>> mHz. The second will be 1 or 2 mh to provide enough inductance for the 
>> 1.8-7 mHz bands. I
>> will use a vacuum relay to connect a bypass capacitor from the junction 
>> of the two chokes
>> to ground on the high bands. Of course there will be further bypassing at 
>> the cold end of
>> the big choke.
>> That way, both chokes will always be in the circuit to help keep RF out 
>> of the power
>> supply but the resonances and distributed capacity of the large one won't 
>> upset the higher
>> bands.
>> Is this a good idea or am I missing something?
>> -- 
>> Vic, K2VCO
>> Fresno CA
>> http://www.qsl.net/k2vco/
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