[Amps] Shipping to Japan

Dr. David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Tue Jun 21 04:46:30 PDT 2011

On 06/21/11 11:46 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:
> On 2011-06-21, at 4:49 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:
>> ## Look at it from UPS's  point of veiw.  The brokerage is broken down into 13 x  segements... and just cuz ur  $35.00  keyer is not worth much doesn't mean they don't incur expenses  shuffling paper work.
>> ## having said that.... I notice that anything that arrived  via  FEDEX.. didn't cost me anything..go figure.
> Funny thing is, Jim, that anything I receive here via the US Post Office / Canada Post doesn't cost me anything, either, "shuffled paper work" notwithstanding...
> Go figure.
> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

I've found that items sent via Fedex attract duty more often than those shipped 
by USPS into the UK. I think customs know Fedex is used to transport higher 
value items, so there's more to be gained from them. That's not to say that I 
don't get caught on USPS too. I've just had to pay duty on a TS-940S and a 
speaker sent from the US.

One advantage of Fedex is that when I get something imported, they will pay the 
duties and deliver the item to me, then send me a bill for the duty.

In contrast, when USPS is used, the item finally comes to me via the courier 
Parcelforce in the UK. However, Parcelforce will not deliver the item until the 
duty is paid. They send me a letter saying the duty has to be paid, then I have 
to phone them and they deliver the next day. So Fedex works out quicker due to 
their different policies from Parcelforce of handling the duty payments.

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