[Amps] New Alpha 8410 photos

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Sun Mar 6 09:28:03 PST 2011

> That blower is an interesting design, Damon - drawing across wide
> opening inside the amplifier.

Alpha is using a high-volume, low-velocity blower design in the 8410. 
That's a great way to cool a pair of ceramic tubes but I'm not sure if that 
would add any contribution to lower noise with a single tube design - like 
the 9500.

I also like seeing the RJ1A/HC-1/GH1 style T/R vacuum relay in the latest 
8410.  For a while, I think they were experimenting with the Jennings RF1D 
style cylindrical vacuum relays.  My Alpha 70V uses one of those and even 
when taking into account for the mounting arrangement, it's significantly 
louder than the RJ1A.  In the link below, you can see one of the RF1D style 
relays being used in an early 8410.  Scroll down just a bit.  It's the first 
inside view.


Paul, W9AC

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