[Amps] 3CX1200A7 on Ebay

Donald Fox taurusshoguy at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 14 07:48:39 PDT 2011

For those in need, a very nice 3CX1200A7 with a date code of 0845 on Ebay.

Another one that sold recently with a socket and chimney fetched ~$950.

This one looks pretty darned nice.  If I did not already have a spare, I would entertain a bid myself.

Also, a quick footnote. I may have mentioned some time ago that a fellow ham from Illinois had given me a deposit on my Henry 2K Classic X console back in December of 09.

He finally made the 10 hour round trip drive yesterday, and took it home! Mind you the deposit was $600, so I knew he was serious and thus had extra patience.



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