[Amps] Account De-Activation e-Mail

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Mon Mar 21 10:09:33 PDT 2011

> just received an e-mail from someone who claims that my AMP account
> will be de-activated because my mailbox exceeds the 20 MB limit ???
> Being the cautious type, I will NOT click on any links in an e-mail of
> that type.
> Anyone else see this e-mail ? It looks like a phishing expedition to me.

Yes, you are correct, this was a spam message that slipped through to the list.
I suspect many of you never saw this message because it was blocked or 
filtered out at your ISP - but some users would have seen it.  Either way
you can ignore it.

I am sorry that the spam made it to the list.


George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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