[Amps] Adhesive for Teflon sheet..
Paul Kraemer
elespe at lisco.com
Wed Mar 23 09:26:50 PDT 2011
Or just go to Home Depot and get a roll of double stick carpet tape
I've used it to stick together nylon plates used for assembly spacers
Once stuck it is STUCK. Adds about 0.006" per layer.
Paul K0UYA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary K9GS" <garyk9gs at wi.rr.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Adhesive for Teflon sheet..
> Hi Bob,
> I work for an electronics manufacturing company and we have a guy
> working for us that is really good at addressing this kind of question.
> I asked him and he came up with a possible idea.
> We use a Brady Corporation brand tape on our factory floor for marking
> where things need to go like carts, parts bins, etc. This tape is about
> two inched wide and very durable since it's subject to a lot of traffic
> and wear. He actually took a small square of Teflon sheet and applied
> the tape to it. Before doing so he cleaned the Teflon with a solvent to
> remove any oils or mold release that might be present. His thinking was
> that Brady probably offers a double sided tape using the same adhesive
> as used on the floor marking tape.
> As long as you're not looking for a lot of tensile bonding strength (the
> tape was still able to be peeled off on the sample he prepared) this may
> be a solution to what you're looking for. The bond is quite strong in
> shear.
> Here's a link to the Brady web site:
> http://www.bradycorp.com/
> They do sell internationally.
> This may be a better, safer and cheaper alternative than some of the
> other suggestions. Although the bond-able Teflon sheet someone else
> mentioned looked interesting too.
> Good Luck!!
> On 3/21/2011 6:10 PM, Robert Briggs wrote:
>> Thank you for all the replys both here and email...I have enough
>> information now and will be able to get on with the amplifiers...I am
>> doing a couple of 70cm units for EME work using the GS-31B tubes .
>> 73...Bob VK3ZL..
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> --
> 73,
> Gary K9GS
> Check out K9NS on the web: http://www.k9ns.com
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