[Amps] SB 200 blown diodes in power supply

TexasRF at aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Thu Mar 24 10:55:22 PDT 2011

Kathy, considering the SB200 has been around more than 40 years and yours  
lasted that long without the soft start modifications, one might hope it 
would  continue on a few more years without them.
What is a really likely scenario is the old electrolytic capacitors have  
gone bad and in need of replacement. There are a number of capacitor sources, 
 even on Ebay. New capacitors will not mount in the same manner as the old 
ones  so some ingenuity will be needed. Silicon adhesive is crude and ugly 
but works  well.
There are better diodes available than the originals, such as 1N5408 and  
others. You can find them for around twenty five cents or so brand new at 
Mouser  Electronics and other sources.
There is no need for equalizing resistors and capacitors with modern diodes 
 so those parts can be removed. If it is easier to install new diodes on 
the  reverse side of the board, then no harm; the electrons don't care.
I hope it goes well with your repairs.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 3/24/2011 11:16:49 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
wb2aio at yahoo.com writes:

I know  many of you probably consider a SB200 as a driver for your real 
amps, but for  us QRPers, it is as good as it gets:)
I just blew a diode in HV chain. Now  one friend I respect says I should 
put in the Harbough board, soft start, etc.  Trouble is, that's money I don't 
wish to spend if I don't have to. Put in new  board is easy to say when you 
have money, but us poor underpaid  nurses....
Taking a look at mine, I noticed there are 3 diodes already  replaced in 
the two strings by placing them under neath or on the bottom of  the board. 
When I first looked at it, I thought they had been vaporized:), so  this isn't 
a new problem.
I'm hoping to find something at Radio Shack I  could use and just change 
out the newly blown diode, maybe even using the  trick the previous owner 
employed of just putting in the new one underneath to  save taking it apart to 
get at the top of the board.
So was wondering what  you guys think or your experiences with the SB200. I 
just acquired it last  summer and otherwise has worked really well when 
I've needed  it.
Kathy, RN

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