[Amps] PI Calculation using G3SEK Excel Spreadsheet

Bill Smith ko4nrbs at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 31 17:25:42 PDT 2011

Are these values correct (in ??) for two 3-400Z tubes at 2500vdc and 800ma Plate Current?
There is so much information there I get lost.

Input	Supply voltage	E	2500	V

Input	Max DC anode current	Ia	0.8

Input	K factor	K 1.6	
Input	RF power output	W	1500	W ??

Info	Estimated RL based on E, I and K		1953	ohms??
Input	Efficiency	e	56	%??

Info	Estimated RL based on E, W, e and K		1458	ohms??
Input	Enter your choice of load resistance to be used for the calculations.	RL	1900	ohms??
Input	2: Antenna load resistance	R2	50	ohms??
Input	3: Operating frequency	F	7.2	MHz
Input	4: Overall network Q	Q0	12	
	5: Strays compensation			
Input	Output capacitance of tube(s)	Cag  10	pF??

Input	Strays local to tube	Cs1	5	pF

	Cout = Cag + Cs1	Cout	15	

Info	Total effective parallel capacitance of tube, strays, RFC etc	Cp	25.0	pF??
Bill Smith KO4NR

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