[Amps] Teflon Chimneys
Jim W7RY
w7ry at inbox.com
Sat May 14 06:51:37 PDT 2011
Simply drill holes into the finished chimney then use nylon screws to hold
the Teflon together. Works fine.
Jim W7RY
From: "Robert Briggs" <vk3zl at bigpond.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2011 1:33 AM
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: [Amps] Teflon Chimneys
> Hi all...I have been thinking of ways to make Teflon Chimneys for GS-31
> and 35B tubes from 1mm sheet...I am finishing off a 2 meter and a 70cm
> amplifier at present and would like some opinions...
> The simplest solution looks to me as making the Teflon tube and
> fastening the join length with brass eylets perhaps one eylet per inch....
> My concern is would the small eyelets be subject to RF heating and
> perhaps burning the Teflon sheet at the join??
> Thanks all....Bob..VK3ZL..
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