[Amps] PA efficiency

Dr. David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Tue May 17 21:36:40 PDT 2011

On 05/18/11 05:27 AM, Carey Lockhart, KC5GTT wrote:
> hello all,
> what is the proper formula to get the PA efficiency of a amplifier?
> Carey

1) Calculate the input power = V * I

where V is anode/collector/drain voltage (depending on whether its tube or 

I is the anode/collector/drain current (depending on whether it's tube or 

2) Measure the output power P.

3) Efficiency (in percentage) = 100*P/(V*I)

Note, few power meters are going to be accurate to better than +/- 10% 
(including the Bird, despite its spec of 5% of FSD), so don't expect an accurate 
result unless you use a precision power meter with a calibrated coupler or 


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