[Amps] Henry 2KD-5 Problem

Jim W7RY w7ry at inbox.com
Thu May 26 15:42:28 PDT 2011


But you can't just pull one tube at a time because the filaments are in 
series. You most likely have other parts destroyed by the tube short.

Jim W7RY

From: "Mitch Cox" <ww4cox at embarqmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 3:32 PM
To: "ED MCKIE" <kb5gt at cableone.net>; <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Henry 2KD-5 Problem

> You have a shorted tube.
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  From: ED MCKIE
>  To: amps at contesting.com
>  Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 6:18 PM
>  Subject: [Amps] Henry 2KD-5 Problem
>  Last night I was using my 2KD-5, and it was working fine. After making
>  several transmissions with no problem, it made a loud pop when keyed. Now
>  the grid current indication goes off scale in the negative direction as 
> soon
>  as it is turned on, and stays there even with drive applied. It also has
>  plate current flowing ( about 300 mA ) even when not keyed. It is still
>  working and has output.
>   I have to get someone to move it to my workbench due to a back injury, 
> so
>  all I've done so far is to remove the top. The bias diode reads 13.5 Kohm 
> in
>  both directions when checked with one end of the 220 Ohm parallel 
> resistor
>  lifted, but I see nothing that made the loud pop, so far.
>   When I get it on the bench I can get into it, but wondered if anyone 
> else
>  had seen these problems in this or a similar amplifier.
>  Thanks & 73,
>  Ed,  KB5GT
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