[Amps] T/R relay

Paul Decker kg7hf at comcast.net
Thu May 26 17:36:12 PDT 2011

Thanks Steve, that is kinda what I figured.  I thought I tried them at VHF and didn't have any luck getting them to work. 

I found this one on digikey, it's a bit expensive though: 


For that price I might as well get another tohtsu CX-140 or something like that. 


   5. Re: T/R relay (Steve Thompson) 

Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 22:45:24 +0100 
From: Steve Thompson <g8gsq72 at gmail.com> 
Subject: Re: [Amps] T/R relay 
To: amps at contesting.com 
Message-ID: <4DDEC9F4.2050908 at gmail.com> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed 

I've used similar types at VHF with bits of capacitance to tune 
out the inductance of the internals but found them too touchy at 
UHF. There's also the issue of skin effect and how plating behaves 
at higher frequencies. 

For just a few $ you can get relays like Omron G6Y/G6Z which are 
rated for 1 or 2GHz. I can't recall part numbers but I'm sure some 
  of them (maybe Siemens/NAIS/Aromat brand) are rated for 10 or 
20W at UHF. 


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