[Amps] Hammond HL-2000A

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Sat May 28 10:22:02 PDT 2011

> that what you will) the fact the HL-2000A appears to match the 380 quite
> nicely could well add a few hundred $'s to its value.

True, the color matching scheme could slightly inflate the value among '380 
owners -- for they know not what they own.  :-)   I owned two HF-380s back 
in the early '90s.  I held on to Barry Goldwater's S/N 0001 for a couple 
years and had much difficulty in keeping it stable.  But by then it had 
already passed through the hands of several owners, one or more of whom 
caused a "re-design" damage.

The '380s were perhaps the worst performing transceivers I've owned.  I 
honestly would not use one if I had a choice between it and a Heathkit 
HW-101.  Typical problems include an overly noisy PLL chain, ALC instability 
which caused output power instability as the PA deck temperature rises. 
The build quality is impressive; performance is not.

If I recall correctly, Paul Hrivnak (of Palstar fame) owned Viewstar and 
sold the line to B&W.  He may have also designed the amps -- and perhaps the 
HL-2000A as well.

Paul, W9AC 

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