[Amps] What type of amplifier is best

Shon Edwards sre.1966 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 05:36:32 PST 2011

Thank you all for your input!  This has already proven invaluable to me in
my amp search.  I've already narrowed it down to just two or three amps
because of your input.  Thanks, 73 de Shon, K6QT.

On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net> wrote:

> Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 20:54:10 -0700
> From: Shon Edwards <sre.1966 at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Amps] What type of amplifier is best
> Hello all.
> I know I am revealing my ignorance, as most of what is on this list goes
> above my head.  However, I am looking to buy an amplifier, full legal limit
> (1500 W -- US or more wattage -- I mean one which will yield an SSB
> continuous wave carrier at 1500 W for a reasonable amount of time to carry
> on QSOs), and wonder which might be best for me in my situation.  I am just
> looking for something that will endure through years of use.  I must admit
> I do not know anything beyond this.  Perhaps you could ask me more
> questions about specific use to help you narrow down, if necessary.
> A couple I have been looking at buying are the following:  Ameritron
> AL-1500, AL-1200, and AL-82.  I'm open to others, as well.  I know many of
> you are experts at making your own.  Perhaps I would even go this route, if
> it would save me enough money.  I have done plenty of building of
> electronic equipment in the past -- just not amplifiers.
> I am using an FT-857D, fed with about 100 ft. of LMR-400, attached to an
> external remote automatic antenna tuner, MFJ-998RT, and an MFJ-2990 43 ft.
> vertical antenna (all of which can handle the 1500 W or more).
> Again, forgive me for my ignorance; I'm sure I will get a few comments
> like, "go to school for a few years" or some such.  I'm sure this would
> help, but in lieu of this, perhaps you could help me with a few ideas :).
> Thank you all,
> 73 de K6QT, Shon
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Shon R. Edwards,
Amateur call:  K6QT
1039 N 2575 W
Layton, UT, 84041-7709
e-mail:  sre.1966 at gmail.com
phone:  (801) 444-3445
cell:  (801) 336-7635

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