[Amps] Increased ambient noise in a 2 x 8877 amplifier

Chris Gare chris at gare.co.uk
Mon Nov 14 11:11:27 PST 2011

This summer I have successfully built a 2 x 8877 amplifier for 6m which
works very well. I have 4000 volts on the anode and have only taken it up
4kW into a dummy load.


To handle this power this power level I opted to use three Jennings RJ1A
vacuum relays - one on the input and two in parallel on the output. 


The two output relays were placed inside the anode cavity of the amplifier
and were unscreened.


I found that after a JT65 TX session the ambient background noise on the RX
was increased by several dBs with this increased  background noise only
returning to ambient after around a minute or so. If I increased power it
took longer for the noise to drop away showing that it was related to the
temperature of the valves (which are well blown). I only noticed this when
my antennas were elevated  so the local ambient noise was considerably


The 8877s are definitely biased off on receive as I am using the 'SEK
control card and I have never come across this problem on previous
amplifiers when I used coaxial relays.


When I put the relays in a screened die cast box the problem disappeared.


My question is; what caused the noise? I can  only think that it was heat
radiation from the valves but I have never come across this before or heard
it mentioned by any org amp builders.


Has anyone any idea as to the cause?


Chris G3WOS

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