[Amps] Thanks: Was Any QRO Ops wearing defibrilators

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Mon Nov 21 19:40:18 PST 2011

On 11/18/2011 4:09 PM, Roger wrote:

Thanks to all that replied both off and on list. Both suggestions, 
experience, knowledge and even manufacturers of the different defibs has 
helped me make an informed decision as to what would be best.  I also 
now know that it's possible to run QRO and do modern welding  while 
having an implanted defib.  Now I just have to remember to made sure 
they don't put the thing where I mount a high powered rifle or shotgun. 
That might hurt! <:-))

I have discovered the local surgeon who does implants typically uses any 
of the 3 most popular implants including the St Jude.

They have  much more up-to-date RFI exposure recommendations AND a 
tutorial to aid those who weld than the generic folder the 
Cardiologist's office handed out.  This includes how to minimize 
exposure to the substantial magnetic fields generated from the large 
currents flowing in the welding leads.


Roger (K8RI)

> As this directly relates to operating QRO:
> Today the doc told me I need to have a defibrillator implanted. However
> when I look at the restrictions they list strong RF fields such as in
> ham radio and arc welding.
> I operate mostly QRO and do a lot of arc welding and use a plasma torch
> for cutting.
> Anyone on the group have a defibrillator and if so what kind of
> restrictions did they put on you for operating?
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
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