[Amps] On Behalf of K4BOF

Jim W7RY jimw7ry at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 18:43:07 PST 2011

Carl wrote:

> - Grounded grids should be grounded for RF, not a pretty photo. With an 
> insulated washer between socket and chassis each tube is grounded by the 
> screw head only ON TOP OF THE chassis...in the plate compartment... and 
> elsewhere as well to multiple points below.

Well the grid bonding straps are not just hooked to the socket screws.  If 
you know the underside of the TL-922, there are screws with long pins on the 
that are screwed through the chassis. The copper straps are also soldered to 
these screws/pins too. Look at the bypass caps on the filament choke. They 
are also soldered to these screws/pins.

Jim W7RY


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