[Amps] GIANT 5kW Roller Coil for Sale

Roger (sub1) sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Tue Oct 4 23:17:35 PDT 2011

On 10/3/2011 11:45 AM, dd3ly at arcor.de wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a really BIG roller coil for sale (or trade). I took it from a mobile communications jammer transmitter of the russian forces.It was able to produce 5kWcw.
> The roller coil has a balanced construction, I think this is really rare. Its size is 20 x 26 x 56cm.It has ceramic insulation.
> The coil is split into two segements, each with 9.5 turns and 20cm diameter.

20 cm is almost 8 inches in diameter!

Roger (K8RI)

>   So each half results in some 12.5µH which may be switched in series to obtain some 25µH.
> This coil isnice for a really balanced coupler or a BIG power amp. I want to receive 80.ooEuro for this roller coil, plus shipping from DL. Iwould accept PayPal.
> I can send pictures of course...
> 73 de Any DH5AK
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