[Amps] 374 not turning on.

Castellano, Michael (USACT) Michael.Castellano at usdoj.gov
Mon Oct 17 13:48:41 PDT 2011

I had exactly the same problem with my Alpha 76PA

One step start resister had  mechanically failed.
Apparently I smacked it  when I re-installed the transformer.
(a break in the winding.)
Replaced it, and all has been well .

73 all, de KM1R

Michael John Castellano
US Dept. of Justice
157 Church St. 23rd Fl
New Haven CT 06510

(203) 821-3700
michael.castellano at usdoj.gov<mailto:michael.castellano at usdoj.gov>

km1r at comcast.net<mailto:km1r at comcast.net>

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